New York Immigrant Criminal Defense Lawyers
Immigrants know that there is one thing they must not have on their record — a serious criminal conviction. To be convicted of a crime involving fraud, violence or drugs turns the system against you. It can keep you from being admitted to the U.S. It can cause you to lose permanent resident status. Dreams of achieving citizenship are destroyed. Serious crimes committed years ago can come back to haunt you.
Manhattan Immigration Crime Defense Attorneys Serving Queens
If your future is in question because of a criminal conviction, you need an experienced immigration attorney like those on the team at Youman, Madeo & Fasano, LLP. Rod Youman, Don Madeo and Ray Fasano are among the elite immigration law practitioners in the greater New York area. We take cases that look very uphill, and we work to mitigate the damage your conviction has caused.
We are experienced in obtaining waivers of inadmissibility. We have succeeded in obtaining:
- 212(h) waivers through a family member (for criminal convictions not including murder or torture)
- 212(c) waivers allowing you to keep legal permanent status by obtaining special permission from a judge
- 42a waivers (also known as cancellation of removal) for persons who already have green cards
We have also enjoyed success in having criminal convictions reduced from felonies to misdemeanors. We have obtained relief in a number of ways, including bringing new facts to the attention of the court, which result in petitions for writs of Error Coram Nobis or Habeas Corpus.
There are other approaches to be taken to diminish the severity of criminal convictions. More importantly, Youman, Madeo & Fasano, LLP, have consistently shown enterprise in linking current cases with relevant findings in other cases. We “push the envelope” in immigration law. The courts appreciate the work we do combing case records for meaningful precedents. Attorneys fill the CLE classrooms to take our courses.
Serving Greater New York ∙ Long Island ∙ New Jersey
We are considered aggressive, innovative leaders in immigration law in New York and New Jersey. We can help you with your criminal defense.
For more information, or to schedule a meeting to discuss your problem with our lawyers, call the problem-solving New York immigration attorneys toll free at 800-890-0229.
Immigrants can’t afford criminal convictions. Call the New York immigrant criminal defense attorneys Youman, Madeo & Fasano, LLP, at 800-890-0229 or describe your problem for us in an email using this form.
With offices in Manhattan, Queens, Union City and Patchogue.
Chinese and Spanish spoken here.